
Friday, 18 November 2011

Failure With A Capital F

I shouldn't make vague statements of intent (see previous post). They usually fail. Though admittedly, this time I have a good reason: life just got in the way. I had to go home unexpectedly for some quite sad reasons in the middle of October, then spent the next couple of weeks trying to catch up. Plus I had my first essay deadline of the year, friends staying, parties to host and a section of a website to run.

Yes, at the end of last academic year I found out I'd got the Comedy Editor position on a new Bristol-centric cultural magazine site called Inter:Mission, which has been set up by some of my coursemates. (Genuinely, it is a really good website, and it's especially useful if you live in Bristol). I've been sorting out mailing lists, finding writers, organising press tickets and editing other people's work, as well as writing some articles of my own. Ironically though, I've only actually been to one comedy gig so far this year (Dave Gorman), so a lot of my reviews are for the film section, which my flatmate Pete edits. I've posted a lot of links in the 'Portfolio' section at the top of the site, but here are all of my articles for Inter:Mission so far (most recent first). I'm pretty pleased with them, but I definitely want to write more on here too:

Right, now I have to start an essay on the dominance of women in 18th and 19th century novels. And tidy my room before my dad comes to stay this weekend. We're finally going to go to the Thali Cafe in Clifton - I'm pretty excited.